秦庆华博士目前是深圳北理莫斯科大学教授和前沿交叉技术研究院院长。在华中科技大学获得力学专业硕士和博士学位。博士毕业后留在华中科技大学从事教学和科研工作。1994年获得DAAD/K.C. Wong研究基金,在德国斯图加特大学(University of Stuttgart)开展9个月的科研工作。1995-1997年在清华大学开展博士后研究工作。1997年获得伊丽莎白女王二世基金(Queen Elizabeth II fellowship)在悉尼大学开展研究,1998年获得澳大利亚科学院J.G. Russell奖。2001-2006年以天津大学为依托单位获得中国教育部长江学者讲座教授。2002年获得澳大利亚研究委员会教授基金及主持过多项澳大利亚国家面上基金,2006年至2021为澳大利亚国立大学教授。秦教授目前主要从事结构材料和功能材料的设计及性能研究。2009-2021担任澳大利亚国立大学工程研究中心材料加工制造组组长及学科带头人,2011-2013担任澳大利亚国立大学工学院副院长。2007 获选澳大利亚工程师学会高级会员。从2016年起连续列为爱思维尔中国高被引学者。2020年起入选斯坦福大学发布的世界800 万学者之中前2%的顶尖科学家排行榜名单。此外,发表SCI 收录期刊论文400多篇出版英文专著9部。
1. Biography-Short Description
Dr. Qin Qinghua currently serves as a professor and the dean of the Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Technology at Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. He earned both his master's and doctorate degrees in applied mechanics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Following his graduation, he continued his academic journey at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, focusing on teaching and scientific research.
In 1994, Dr. Qinghua was granted the DAAD/K.C. Wong Research Fund, which enabled him to conduct scientific research at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, for a period of 9 months. Subsequently, from 1995 to 1997, he pursued postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University. His academic excellence led to the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II fellowship in 1997, allowing him to conduct research at the University of Sydney, and he was honored with the J.G. Russell Prize by the Australian Academy of Sciences in 1998.
From 2001 to 2006, he held the esteemed Changjiang Scholars Chair Professorship, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China, with Tianjin University as the supporting institution. In 2002, he was the recipient of the Australian Research Council Professor Fund, where he led various Australian national research projects. From 2006 to 2021, he served as a professor at the Australian National University.
Dr. Qin's current research focuses primarily on the design and performance evaluation of structural and functional materials. He led the Materials and Manufacturing Group at the Engineering Research Center of the Australian National University from 2009 to 2021, and served as the Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering from 2011 to 2013.
Recognized for his contributions, Dr. Qinghua was elected as a Senior Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia in 2007. He has been consistently recognized as an Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar since 2016. Since 2020, he has been included in the list of the top 2% of the world's most influential scientists among 8 million scholars, as released by Stanford University. Additionally, he has authored over 400 papers in SCI journals and 9 monographs in English.
1982.02-1984.07 华中理工大学力学系计算力学专业,硕士研究生;
1987.05-1990.12 华中理工大学力学系固体力学专业,博士研究生.
1982.02-1995.04 华中理工大学 讲师
1995.05-1997.05清华大学工程力学系 博士后
1997.05-2001.09澳大利亚悉尼大学 ARC QEII研究员
2001.09-2006.09天津大学力学系 长江学者特聘教授
2006.09-2021.03澳大利亚国立大学工学院 教授
2011.07-2013.07澳大利亚国立大学工学院 副院长
2021.03-当前 深圳北理莫斯科大学材料科学系 教授
2023.09-当前 深圳北理莫斯科大学前沿交叉技术研究院 院长
4. Research Interest
Computational Mechanics;
Finite and Boundary Element Method;
Composite Materials;
Nanomaterials and Nanomechanics;
Additive Manufacturing.
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal on Engineering Applications (2013-)
Editor-in-Chief, AIMS Materials Science (2019-)
Editor-in-Chief, Current Mechanics and Advanced Materials (2019-2023)
1994 DAAD/K.C. Wong fellowship awarded by DAAD, Germany;
1997 Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship, awarded by the Australia Research Council (ARC) (as one of 15 awardees worldwide);
1998 J.G. Russell Award, awarded by the Australian Academy of Science, Australia;
2001 Cheung Kong Professorship, awarded by the Ministry of Education of China;
2002 ARC Professorial Fellowship, awarded by the Australia Research Council (as one of 15 awardees worldwide);
2007 Endeavour Executive Award, awarded by Department of Education, Science, and Training, Australian Government;
□ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship project on “Theoretical and experimental studies on the micro-defect-weakened- piezo- thermoelastic materials”, (1997-2001, AU$388608, Grant No. F89700665);
□ 1999 ARC Institutional small grant, on “Dynamic fracture and damage analysis of piezoelectric and functionally gradient materials” (AU$17,000);
□ARC large grant, on “Thermo-electro-mechanical analysis of advanced microelectronic packages” (2000-2002, AU$192,836, Grant No. A10009133);
□Sesqui R&D Scheme of the University of Sydney, on “Thermoelectroelastic analysis of bone remodelling process” (AU$26,000);
□ARC Discovery-Project (Professorial Fellowship), on “Thermo-electro-chemo-mechanical properties of biological systems” (2002-2006, approved funding: AU$686,825; Actually received $741657, Grant No. DP0209487);
□ARC Discovery-Project, on “Rheological and electrical properties of biological soft tissues” (2004-2006, AU$249,000, with Z Liu and Y Yu, DP0451097);
□National Natural Science Foundation of China, Equivalent multi-field theory and mechanical behaviour of piezoelectric biomaterials (Grant No. 10472082; 2005-2007: RMB$290,000);
□ARC Discovery-Project, on “Theoretical and experimental studies on magnetoelectroelastic bone remodelling process” (2006-2008, AU$260,000, with S Kalyanasundaram, DP0665941);
□ARC Linkage Project, Rapid process development for the assembly of lightweight metal components, (Grant No. LP130101001, 2013-2016, AUD$310,000, with Matthew C Doolan, Paul Compston, Michael J Cardew-Hall, Richard A Taube);
□ARC Discovery-Project, Finite element and optimization methods for creating complex structure in additive manufacturing (Grant No. DP140103137; 2014-2016; AUD$380,000; with Prof Roderick Boswell);
□ARC Discovery-Project, Topology optimisation of mechanical metamaterials with additive manufacture (Grant No. DP160102491; 2016-2018; AUD$340,000; with Dr Zhen Luo; total ARC funding received: $357,122.92);
□National Natural Science Foundation of China, Interfacial mechanics and optimization approach for biological coating materials in additive manufacturing (Grant No. 11372100, 2014-2017, RMB$900,000);
□National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanical analysis and optimization of elastic metamaterials for vibration and seismic wave attenuation (Grant No. 11772204, 2018-2021, RMB$680,000);
□National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanical design of ultra-low frequency tunable acoustic metamaterials based on multi-level structural buckling (Grant No. 12272239, 2023-2026, RMB$550,000)
a) Authored books
1. Qing-Hua Qin, The Trefftz Finite and Boundary Element Method, Southampton, WIT Press, 2000, 282pp (ISBN: 9781853128554, http://www.witpress.com/books/978-1-85312-855-4)
2. Qing-Hua Qin, Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric Materials, Southampton, WIT Press, 2001, 290pp (ISBN: 9781853128561, http://www.witpress.com/books/978-1-85312-856-1)
3. Qing-Hua Qin, Green’s function and boundary elements in multifield materials, Oxford, Elsevier, 2007, 266pp (ISBN: 9780080451349, Published on 7 June 2007)
4. Qing-Hua Qin and Q.S. Yang, Macro-micro theory on multifield behaviour of heterogeneous materials (Chinese version: Beijing, Higher Education Press, 2006, ISBN: 7040192535; English version: Beijing, Higher Education Press & Springer, 2008, ISBN: 9783540782582)
5. Qing-Hua Qin and H. Wang, Matlab and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods, Boca Raton, Taylor & Francis, CRC press, 2009 (ISBN: 9781420072754)
6. Qing-Hua Qin, Advanced Mechanics of Piezoelectricity. Higher Education Press and Springer, Beijing, 2013 (ISBN: 9783642297663)
7. Qing-Hua Qin, Mechanics of cellular bone remodelling-coupled thermal, electrical, and mechanical field effects, Boca Raton, Taylor & Francis, CRC press, 2013 (ISBN: 9781466564169)
8. H. Wang and Qing-Hua Qin, Methods of Fundamental Solutions in Solid Mechanics, Elsevier, Oxford, published 07/06/2019; 312p. (ISBN: 9780128182833)
9. Jun-Pu Li and Qing-Hua Qin, Radial Basis Function Methods for Large-Scale Wave Propagation, Bentham Science Publishers, 2021, (ISBN: 978-1-68108-899-0 (Print), ISBN: 978-1-68108-898-3 (Online))
b) Edited books
10. W. Yang, X.Q. Feng and Qing-Hua Qin (eds.), Advances in damage, fracture, micro- and nano- meachanics (A Volume to honor Professor Shouwen Yu), Beijing, Tsinghua University Press, 2009 (ISBN: 9787302208358)
11. Qing-Hua Qin and B. Sun (eds.), Advances in Engineering Mechanics (series), Volume 1: Advances in Computational Mechanics, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2011 (ISBN: 9781608769018)
12. Qing-Hua Qin, JQ Ye (eds.), Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials, Elsevier, UK, 2015, 416 p. ISBN: 9781782422792
13. Qing-Hua Qin (ed.), Trefftz and Fundamental Solution-Based Finite Element Methods, Bentham Science Publishers, 355 pages, Sep 7, 2021 (ISBN: 978-981-4998-55-0 (Print); ISBN: 978-981-4998-54-3 (Online); DOI:10.2174/97898149985431210101)
1. Hui Wang, Yuxuan Zhang, Wanqing Lin, Qing-Hua Qin, A novel two-dimensional mechanical metamaterial with negative Poisson’s ratio, Computational Materials Science, 171, 109232, 2020
2. Yan Yang, Kun Cai, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Shrinkage-expansion of a tri-isometric knitting from graphene ribbons at finite temperature, Materials & Design, 185, 108269, 2020
3. Zihao Wang, Chungeng Liu, Di Zhu, Xiang Gu, Yin Xu, Qinghua Qin, Nianguo Dong, Shengmin Zhang, Jianglin Wang, Untangling the co-effects of oriented nanotopography and sustained anticoagulation in a biomimetic intima on neovessel remodelling, Biomaterials, 231, 119654, 2020
4. Xiaoya Li, Qing-Hua Qin and Xiaogeng Tian, Thermo-viscoelastic analysis of biological tissue during hyperthermia treatment, Applied Mathematical Modelling , 79, 881-895, 2020
5. Yan-Wen Lin, Wugui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Shu-Mei Liao, A map between excitation magnitude and critical stable temperature for screwing oscillators built on double-walled nanotubes, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 118, 113943, 2020
6. Duosheng Li, Wei Zou, Shengli Song, Yin Ye, Wugui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Yi Xiao, Zhiguo Ye, Liang Chen, Dunwen Zuo, Selective coupling reaction inhibits graphene defects: regulating the orderly precipitation of carbon atoms, Applied Nanoscience 10, 587–595, 2020
7. Yuan Li, Qing-Hua Qin, Minghao Zhao, Analysis of 3D planar crack problems in one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystals with thermal effect. part I: Theoretical formulations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 188-189, 269-281, 2020
8. Yuan Li, Qing-Hua Qin, Minghao Zhao, Analysis of 3D planar crack problems in one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystals with thermal effect. part II: Numerical approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 188-189, 223-232, 2020
9. Kuixin Lin, Duosheng Li, Shengli Song, Zhiguo Ye, Wugui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Enhanced mechanical properties of 4H-SiC by epitaxial carbon films obtained from bilayer graphene, Nanotechnology, 31, 195702 (13pp), 2020
10. Hui Wang, Wan-Qing Lin, Qing-Hua Qin, Special polygonal elements for thermal analysis of cellular material containing elliptical holes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154, 119703, 2020
11. J.Q. Dong, Qing-Hua Qin, Y. Xiao, Nelder-Mead Optimization of Elastic Metamaterials via Machine-Learning-Aided Surrogate Modelling, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 12 (1), 2050011, 2020
12. Duosheng Li, Wei Zou, Wugui Jiang, Xinyuan Peng, Shengli Song, Qing-Hua Qin, Jun Min Xue, Quasi homoepitaxial growth of modified diamond: nickel-substrate catalytic multilayer graphene transforming to diamond, Ceramics International, 6,10885–10892, 2020
13. T. Wang, Qing-Hua Qin, X. Zhu, Reaction force and power flow analysis of an acoustic metamaterial beam with multi-band gaps, Acoustics Australia, 48, 59–67, 2020,
14. S.H. Yan, Qing-Hua Qin, H. Chen, Z. Zhong, Hybrid laser welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys: welding processing, microstructure, properties and modelling, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 56, 295-305, 2020
15. Xiaoya Li, Pengfei Luo, Qing-Hua Qin, Xiaogeng Tian, The phase change thermoelastic analysis of biological tissue with variable thermal properties during cryosurgery, Journal of thermal stresses 43(8), 998-1016, 2020
16. Lin Qiu, Chao Hu, Qing-Hua Qin, A novel homogenization function method for inverse source problem of nonlinear time-fractional wave equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 109, 106554, 2020
17. Lei Wang, Kun Cai, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Self-assembly of Nano-scroll/Nano-helix from a Diamondene Nanoribbon with One Passivated Surface, Applied Surface Science, 527, 146848, 2020
18. Shaohua Yan, Qing-Hua Qin*, Zheng, Zhong, On the real-time atomistic deformation of nano twinned CrCoFeNi high entropy alloy, Nanotechnology, 31 (38), 385705, 2020
19. Chao Hu, Jiaqi Dong, Junjie Luo, Qing-Hua Qin, Guangyong Sun, 3D printing of chiral carbon fiber reinforced polylactic acid composites with negative Poisson’s ratios, Composites Part B, 201, Article No. 108400, 2020
20. Chao Hu and Qing-Hua Qin, Advances in fused deposition modeling of discontinuous fiber/polymer composites, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, 24 (5), 100867, 2020
21. Yang Li, Yuan Li, Qing-Hua Qin, Lianzhi Yang, Liangliang Zhang, Yang Gao, Axisymmetric bending analysis of functionally graded one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal circular plate, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and engineering sciences 476 (2241), 20200301, 2020
22. Qiu, L., Lin, J., Qing-Hua Qin, Chen, W., Localized space-time method of fundamental solutions for three-dimensional transient diffusion problem. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 36 (5), 1051–1057, 2020
23. J. Li, L. Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, A regularized method of moments for three-dimensional time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering, Applied Mathematics Letters, 112, 106746, 2021
24. Lin Qiu, Ji Lin, Fajie Wang, Qing-Hua Qin, Chein-Shan Liu, A homogenization function method for inverse heat source problems in 3D functionally graded materials, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 91, 923-933, 2021
25. Kun Cai, Xin Li, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Nanospring from partly hydrogenated 1 graphene ribbon: A molecular dynamics study, Applied Surface Science, 541, 148507, 2021
26. L.L. Cao, Y. Gu, C.Z. Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, A meshless Chebyshev collocation method for eigenvalue problems of the Helmholtz equation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 125, 80-109, 2021
27. Lin Qiu, Fajie Wang, Ji Lin, Qing-Hua Qin, Qinghai Zhao, A novel combined space-time algorithm for transient heat conduction problems with heat sources in complex geometry, Computers & Structures 247, 106495, 2021
28. J Li, Y Gu, Qing-Hua Qin, L Zhang, The rapid assessment for three-dimensional potential model of large-scale particle system by a modified multilevel fast multipole algorithm, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 89, 127-138, 2021
29. Bo Song, Kun Cai, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Rotation-induced axial oscillation of a composite nanoconvertor at low temperature, Journal of Vibration and Control, 27(9-10), 1113-1122, 2021
30. Chao Hu, Winson NG Joon Hau, Weiqi Chen, Qing-Hua Qin, The fabrication of long carbon fiber reinforced polylactic acid composites via fused deposition modeling: experimental analysis and machine learning, Journal of Composite Materials, 55(11), 1459-1472, 2021
31. Duosheng Li, Wei Zou, Shengli Song, Yin Ye, ZhiguoYe, Qing-Hua Qin, Dunwen Zuo, Wenzhuang Lu, Graphene with reciprocating carbon chains for long-term corrosion protection, Ceramics International, 47, 12205-12210, 2021
32. Shi, Jiao, Hu, Chunwei, Sun, Sreykeo, Song, Bo, Qing-Hua Qin, Bonding few-layered graphene via collision with high-speed fullerenes, Nanotechnology, 32, 285704, 2021
33. Pan Zheng, Wu-Gui Jiang, Yan-Wen Lin, Yu-Jiang Chen, Qing-Hua Qin, Duo-Sheng Li, A novel rotation transmission nano-system based on Carbon@Boron-Nitride@Carbon heterogeneous nanotubes: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, 196, 110517, 2021
34. C. Zhang, S.H. Xiao, Qing-Hua Qin, Hui Wang, Tunable compressive properties of a novel auxetic tubular material with low stress level, Thin-Walled Structures, 164, 107882, 2021
35. K. Cai, Yan Yang, Jiao Shi, Zheng Zhong, Qing-Hua Qin, Thermal stability of a nanoporous graphene membrane candidate from an orthogonal-diagonal nanotexture: A molecular dynamics test, Applied Surface Science 558, 149955, 2021
36. Kun Cai, Sreykeo Sun, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Carbon nanotube nanomotor driven by graphene origami, Physical Review Applied 15(5), 054017, 2021
37. Minghui Zhang, Chao Hu, Chengzhen Yin, Qing-Hua Qin, Jianshan Wang, Design of elastic metamaterials with ultra-wide low-frequency stopbands via quantitative local resonance analysis, Thin-Walled Structures, 165, 107969, 2021
38. Shaohua Yan, Ahmad Nawaz, Bilal Islam, Qing-Hua Qin, Weiguo Mao, Yaogen Shen, Ishaq Ahmad, Iftikhar Hussain, Elastic-plastic deformation behavior of sapphire M-plane under static loading using nano-indentation, Ceramics International, 47, 23528-23538, 2021
39. Lin Qiu, Minghui Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, Homogenization function method for time-fractional inverse heat conduction problem in 3D functionally graded materials, Applied Mathematics Letters, 122, 107478, 2021
40. Xianjia Meng, Qing-Hua Qin, Chuanyong Qu, Tensile and compressive strain evolutions of bovine compact bone under four-point bending fatigue loading, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 123, 104774, 2021
41. Pan Zheng, Wugui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, and Duosheng Li, Dynamic Behavior of Rotation Transmission Nano-system in Helium Environment: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Molecules, 26, 5199, 2021.
42. Hui-Chuan Zhao, Xiong-fei Gao, Qing-Hua Qin, Jian-Shan Wang, Formation of chiral morphologies of biological materials induced by chirality, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 16, 066005, 2021.
43. Xianjia Meng, Qing-Hua Qin and Chuanyong Qu, Changes in bone’s micromechanical properties caused by fatigue fracture. International Journal of Fracture, 231 (2), 243-255, 2021
44. Kun Cai, Xin Li, Zheng Zhong, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, A method for designing tunable chiral mechanical carbon networks for energy storage, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 26209-26218, 2021
45. G.G. Xu, W.G. Jiang, Y.Y. Sun, Qing-Hua Qin, Q. Li, Particle-scale computational fluid dynamics simulation on selective parallel dual-laser melting of nickel-based superalloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 73, 197-206, 2022
46. Jiaqi Dong, Chao Hu, John Holmes, Qing-Hua Qin, Yi Xiao. Structural Optimisation of Cross-Chiral Metamaterial Structures via Genetic Algorithm, Composite Structures, 282, 115035, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.115035
47. J. Li, Z. Fu, Y. Gu, Qing-Hua Qin, Recent advances and emerging applications of the singular boundary method for large-scale and high-frequency computational acoustics, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 14(2), 315-343, 2022
48. Junpu Li, Lan Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, Fei Wang, A localized spatiotemporal particle collocation method for long-time transient homogeneous diffusion analysis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 192, 122893, 2022
49. H. Wang, C. Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, Y. Bai, Tunable compression-torsion coupling effect in novel cylindrical tubular metamaterial architected with boomerang-shaped tetrachiral elements, Materials Today Communications, 31, 103483, 2022
50. Junpu Li, Lan Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, A regularized fast multipole method of moments for rapid calculation of three-dimensional time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering from complex targets, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 142, 28-38, 2022
51. C.Z. Yin, Xi Xiao, Di Zhu, Jianshan Wang, Qing-Hua Qin, Design of low-frequency 1D phononic crystals harnessing compression-twist coupling effect with large deflection angle, Thin-Walled Structures, 179, 109600, 2022
52. Kuixing Lin, Duosheng Li, Yin Ye a, Zhiguo Ye, Wugui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin,
Dunwen Zuo, Friction behavior of 2D hydrogenated diamond-like films and bilayer graphene, Diamond & Related Materials, 127, 109179, 2022
53. J.J. Dong, L. Xu, H. J. Yu, J.S. Wang, and Qing-Hua Qin, Fracture analysis of chiral fiber-reinforced biocomposites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 271, 108625, 2022
54. Yingbin Zhang, Huichuan Zhao, Hongjun Yu, Qing-Hua Qin, and Jianshan Wang, Tensile behaviors of filaments with misfit of chirality, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 38, 621604, 2022
55. Miao Zou, Wu-Gui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Yu-Cheng Liu, and Mao-Lin Li, Optimized XGBoost Model with Small Dataset for Predicting Relative Density of Ti-6Al-4V Parts Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting. Materials, 2022, 15, 5298. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15155298
56. S.H. Xiao, C Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin, H Wang, A novel planar auxetic phononic crystal with periodic cookie-shaped cellular microstructures, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29:23, 3345-3358, 2022.
57. He, Q.; Wang, M.; Du, Y.; Qing-Hua Qin; Qiu, W., Quantitative characterization of the anisotropy of the stress-optical properties of polyethylene terephthalate films based on the photoelastic method, Polymers, 14, 3257, 2022.
58. S.H.Yan, Z. Zhong, Qing-Hua Qin, Tailoring small-scale plasticity of nanotwined-copper micropillars via microstructures, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 135102, 2022
59. Wu-Gui Jiang, Gao-Gui Xu, Qi Li, Qing-Hua Qin, Mao-Lin Li, Yuan-Yuan Sun, Improvement of wetting and necking of nickel-based superalloys fabricated by sequential duallaser powder bed fusion via particle-scale computational fluid dynamics, Additive Manufacturing, 59, 103203, 2022
60. Kun Cai, Xin Zhou, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Water transport behaviors in a CTT-type nanotube system, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 26 (11), 91, 2022
61. Kun Cai, Puwei Wu, Qing-Hua Qin, Local nanoflow field produced by the bladed rotor in a rotation transmission nanosystem in water environments, Materials Science & Engineering B, 286, 116046, 2022
62. Zihao Wang, Mengyu Li, Bin Wang, Yin Xu, Jinyu Li, Shengmin Zhang, Qing-Hua Qin. Jianglin Wang, Biomimetic niche of vascular intima with biophysical orientation and biochemical stimulation for rapid endothelialization and long-term patency, Chemical Engineering Journal 451, 138805, 2023
63. Bo Song, Kun Cai, Jiao Shi, Qing-Hua Qin, Self-assembly for preparing nanotubes from monolayer graphyne ribbons on a carbon nanotube, Nanotechnology, 34(4), 045602, 2023
64. Cheng Xiong, Cheuk-Yu Lee, Qing-Hua Qin, Topology optimization of single-phase phononic crystals based on a search-space-reduction strategy with a Genetic Algorithm, Materials Today Communications, 34, 105069, 2023
65. Qi Li, Wu-Gui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Zhi-Xin Tu, Duo-Sheng Li, Particle-scale computational fluid dynamics study on surface morphology of GH4169 superalloy during multi-laser powder bed fusion with low energy density, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 92, 287-296, 2023
66. Qiu L, Ma X, Qing-Hua Qin, A novel meshfree method based on spatio-temporal homogenization functions for one-dimensional fourth-order fractional diffusion-wave equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 142, 108657, 2023
67. Bo Song, Kun Cai, Pan Jia, Qing-Hua Qin, A nanoscroll robustly formed by self-folding a γ-graphyne ribbon on a CNT, Computational Materials Science, 225, 112163, 2023
68. S.H. Yan, T.D. Bennett, W.P. Feng, Z.Y. Zhu, D.C. Yang, Z. Zhong, Qing-Hua Qin, Brittle-to-ductile transition and theoretical strength in a metal-organic framework glass, Nanoscale, 15,8235-8244, 2023
69. Yingbin Zhang, Hongjun Yu, Qing-Hua Qin, Chuanyong Qu, Jianshan Wang, Theoretical modelling of the mechanical properties of biological fibres bundles with hierarchical chiral structures, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 39, 622403, 2023
70. Xianjia Meng, Qing-Hua Qin, Chuanyong Qu, Kai Kang, Zhiyong Wang, Wei Qiu, Chuan Qu, Donghui Fu, The characterization of bovine compact bone fatigue damage using Terahertz spectroscopy, Zeitschrift fuer Medizinische Physik (Journal of Medical Physics), 33, 192-202, 2023
71. M.H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Qing-Hua Qin, Modal-based analysis for aiding 3D elastic metastructure design, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 15(7), 2350058, 2023
72. Jie Peng, Wu-Gui Jiang, Qing-Hua Qin, Gao-Gui Xu, Fen-Cheng Liu, High-fidelity numerical model of melt pool dynamics in selective multi-laser melting of Inconel 718 under different scanning strategies, Materials Today Communications, 26, 106913, 2023
73. Lv Du, Wu-Gui Jiang, Gao-Gui Xu, Qing-Hua Qin, and Duo-Sheng Li, Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics Verification of Molten Pool Characteristics During Selective Laser Melting of Ti-6Al-4V Plates, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 10(4), 711-722, 2023; https://doi.org/10.1089/3dp.2021.0161
74. L. Qiu, F.J. Wang, Y. Gu, Qing-Hua Qin, Modified space-time radial basis function collocation method for long-time simulation of transient heat conduction in 3D anisotropic composite materials, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 124, 21, 4639-4658, 2023
75. Jing Wan, Kun Cai, Yuanyuan Kang, Yangjun Luo, Qing-Hua Qin, Adjustable gas adsorption and desorption via a self-shrinking nanoscroll, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 233501, 2023
76. Yuan Chai, Xiaobo Chen, Jesse A. Estoque, N. Birbilis, Qing-Hua Qin, Tomas Ward, Paul N. Smith, Rachel W. Li, A Novel Approach of Customized Pelvic Implant Design Based on Symmetrical Analysis and 3D Printing, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 10(5), 984-991, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1089/3dp.2021.0121
77. Junye Cheng, Yongheng Jin, Jinghan Zhao, Qi Jing, Bailong Gu, Jialiang Wei, Shenghui Yi, Mingming Li, Wanli Nie, Qinghua Qin, Deqing Zhang, Guangping Zheng, Renchao Che, From VIB‑ to VB‑group transition metal disulfides: structure engineering modulation for superior electromagnetic wave absorption, Nano-Micro Lett. (2024) 16:29
78. Chengzhen Yin, Yi Xiao, Zhaosong Zhang, Qinghua Qin, Yun Liu, Design framework for phononic crystals based on compression-twist coupling structures with curved beams, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 266,108920, 2024
79. Yezhang Ding, Duosheng Li, Feng Xu, Wenchang Lang, Qinghua Qin, Zhiguo Ye, Junhong Liu, Xin Wen, The microstructure evolution of graphene in nanoindentation G/WC-Co based on molecular dynamics simulation, Diamond & Related Materials, 141, 110729, 2024
80. Shenghui Yi, Mingde Yang, Yixin Yu, Zebiao Li, Deng Zhang, Fengwan Han, Aleksei Grishko, Ye Li, Qinghua Qin, Binbin Zhou, Highly sensitive flexible SERS substrates with a sandwich structure for rapid detection of trace pesticide residues, Applied Surface Science, 654, 159455, 2024.
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